If doing so makes the control too wide, separate it into two controls. Make the size of single-line text boxes slightly wider than the longest anticipated input.

If the text boxes are related in nature, group those together. Use several single-line text boxes to capture many small pieces of text information. If replacing is the most common use case for a given text input box, you can select all the text in the field whenever the control receives focus, and typing replaces the selection. The default behavior is appropriate for editing the value rather than replacing it the insertion point is placed between words and nothing is selected.
A password box looks like a text input box, except that it renders bullets in place of the text that has been entered. Use a PasswordBox control to collect a password or other private data, such as a Social Security number. If the text is never editable, consider using a TextBlock instead. You can make a TextBox read-only, but this should be a temporary, conditional state. You can use the Text property to get and set the text in a TextBox. Use a TextBox control to let a user enter and edit unformatted text, such as in a form. It also has spell checking capabilities built in and enabled by default. The "clear all" button lets a user quickly delete all text that has been entered. It comes with a familiar, built-in context menu with support for copying and pasting text. TextBox has a number of features that can simplify text entry. The text displays on the screen in a simple, uniform, plaintext format. It's typically used to capture a single line of text, but can be configured to capture multiple lines of text. The TextBox control lets a user type text into an app.